Sorry everyone, I have not been updating my blog for almost a month already. It is mainly due to the problem with my computer. It will hang automatically after a while I start the computer. The situation becomes worse especially when I am online. Guess need to send it for repair already. Thus, for this period of time, I am not able to use my computer for a long time. Even if I want, I will need to restart my computer again and again. I do not want to ‘hurt’ my computer. So everyone, please wait patiently till my computer is repaired and I can update my blog more frequently then.
About the tags, I will try my best to get it done soon.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan
Dalam pos ini, saya akan meggunakan Bahasa Malaysia kerana saya berasa saya perlu menghormati kedudukannya sebagai bahasa kebangsaan kita.
Pada hari ini, negara kita telah menyambut hari jadinya yang ke-51. 51 tahun bukan satu jangka masa yang pendek tetapi ia juga bukan satu jangka yang panjang. Jika dikira mengikuti umur manusia, seseorang yang sudah berumur 51 tahun sepatutnya sudah mempunyai satu keluarga yang sempurna serta sudah mula membuat perancangan untuk kehidupan selepas bersara. Untuk sebuah syarikat pula, jikalau ia dapat bertahan selama 51 tahun, ia pasti merupakan satu syarikat yang sangat berdaya saing serta telah diketuai oleh ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang bijaksana. Ini kerana biasanya setiap syarikat akan mengalami krisis sama ada dari segi kewangan ataupun dari segi yang lain setiap 10 tahun. Tetapi, untuk sebuah negara, 51 tahun boleh dikira sebagai satu jangka yang agak pendek. Kita mesti tahu kebanyakan negara yang maju di dunia ini telah berusia lebih 100 tahun. Sebagai contoh, Amerika Syarikat telah mencapai kemerdekaan lebih 200 tahun dahulu.
Walau bagaimanapun, bolahkah kita sebagai warganegara Malaysia menggunakan alasan ini sebagai sebab negara kita masih belum mencapai taraf negara maju serta rakyatnya masih belum dapat bersatu padu?
Memang tidak boleh dinafikan dari segi pembangunan fizikal, negara kita telah mencapai pelbagai kejayaan. Dengan bagganya saya boleh memberitahu dunia ini bahawa negara Malaysia mempunyai infrastruktur yang moden. Kita mempunyai Bangunan Berkembar Petronas, iaitu bangunan berkembar yang tertinggi di dunia. Selain itu, kita mempunyai Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) yang merupakan antara lapangan terbang yang tercantik, termoden dan terbaik di dunia. Tidak ketinggalan juga Putrajaya, bandar pentadbiran negara kita yang baru, Menara KL, Jambatan Pulau Pinang dan banyak lagi. Semua ini merupakan tanda negara kita sedang menuju ke arah kemajuan.
Akan tetapi, bangunan-bangunan tersebut telah didirikan pada tahun 1990-an. Setelah menjejak ke abad ke-21, sudah jarang kita mendengar tentang projek-projek mega sebegini. Ini kerana pihak kerajaan sedang berusaha mengurangkan defisit negara. Selain itu, pihak kerajaan juga telah lebih menumpu ke atas sektor-sektor yang lain, iaitu sektor yang boleh membawa faedah kepada semua rakyat Malaysia dan bukan sekumpulan rakyat sahaja. Ini terbukti dengan pelancaran pelbagai koridor pembangunan pada tahun lepas. Sebagai contoh, Koridor Iskandar Malaysia, Koridor Pembangunan Utara, Koridor Pantai Timur, Koridor Pembanguan Sabah dan Koridor Tenaga Alternatif Sarawak. Semua ini pasti akan membawa faedah yang banyak kepada mereka yang terlibat dan seterusnya membantu pembangunan negara.
Walaupun pelbagai dasar telah dilancarkan oleh kerajaan, mampukah kita mencapai apa yang ditentukan dalam Wawasan 2020? Mampukah kita bolah mancapai kejayaan dalam era globalisasi ini? Bolahkan kita mendapat semula gelaran ‘Harimau Asia’ yang kita dapat pada tahun 1970-an? Semuanya akan ditentukan oleh rakyat Malaysia.
Selepas 51 tahun mencapai kemerdekaan, adakah kita telah terlalu lewat untuk berbincang tentang perpaduan kaum? Ataupun kita masih terlalu awal untuk berbincang tentang isu ini? Pada pendapat saya, kita sepatutnya sudah mencapai perpaduan kaum pada masa ini. Selepas Peristiwa 13 Mei, rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya sudah tahu pentingnya mengekalkan perpaduan.
Tema sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan negara kita pada tahun ini ialah ‘Perpaduan Teras kejayaan’. Tema ini memang harus menjadi sesuatu yang praktikal untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia haruslah sentiasa bersatu-padu tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan negara. Kita harus menganggap kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia dan bukan kaum Melayu, Cina, India, Kandazan, Iban ataupun kumpulan yang lain. Bolahkah kita berasa bangga kerana kita merupakan bangsa Malaysia dan bukan kerana kita merupakan kaum yang tertentu? Bolahkah kita semua berusaha mengurangkan jurang antar kaum dalam negara ini dan seterusnya menghapuskannya? Kita mesti ingat bahawa kita merupakan anggota sebuah keluarga yang besar, iaitu Malaysia. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh.
Rakyat Malaysia, semarakkan semangat perpaduan kita semua!
Merdeka, merdeka, merdeka.
Mari kita meneliti apa yang hendak disampaikan melalui lagu ini dan menjadikannya sesuatu yang praktikal.
Lagu tema Hari Kemerdekaan pada tahun 2008
Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan
Kini semangat jalan seiring
Satu amanah kerjasama
Jadi teras bengsa mulia
Sehati sejiwa
Bangun membantu agar sepakat
Moga terserlah perpaduan
Agar teguh dipersada
Dalam hidup harmoni
Sirami rasa kasih saying
Jadi benteng hidup yang harmoni
Nurani ikhlas
Dihati murni
Menjadi kekuatan kita
Bersatu gagah bercerai rebah
Hindarkan hasrat sengketa kita
Perpaduan teras kejayaan
Berpadu bulat kata sepakat
Menjadi cita nagara jaya
Perpaduan teras kejayaan
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hove You Learnt Your Lesson?
By the way, if you still do not know the results for the Permatang Pauh by-election, here is the results:
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (Pakatan Rakyat) :Anwar Ibrahim : 31195 votes
UMNO(Barisan Nasional) : Arif Shah Omar Shah :15524 votes
AKIM(Individuals): Hanafi Hamat : 92 votes.
It is now very clear that Anwar has won with a landslide victory. A total of more than 15000 majority, even more than what his wife, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah has got. To me, it was a bit shocking as I do not expect such a big majority. I was expecting him to win with around 5000 majority as we can see that the BN team has been doing a lot of things during these few days. They have even sent a candidate who is able to speak Chinese, hoping to secure some ballots from the Chinese voters, who were expected to be the key group to decide the winner for the by-election (no doubt Arif Shah is a really good ADUN for Penang).
It might seems that someone has lost in this by-election, but can they be the winner? The decision is in their hand.
The results today will definately be another turning point for Malaysia's political habitat after the 8 March general election. But, will you really change? Have you really learnt your lessons? Have you really find out what is wrong with them? Are you still planning to continue with your old style? My urge to you is to CHANGE. Change for the future of yourself and most importantly, change for a brighter future for Malaysia. If you are willing to change, people will still accept you, but if you don't, that's it, people will do what they think they can to judge you. If you don't change now, you might not be having a second chance. So, please think again and act now. Better late than never.
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Still remember what happened last Monday, I planned to go online in the afternoon (normally I used my afternnon to watch TV). Suddenly, Chneg Lu asked me whether I am selected for the National Service Program or more commonly known as PLKN. Before getting over it, Yih Yew sent me a link and asked me to check whether I am selected or not. I went to the link immediately just to find out that the page cannot be displayed. i tried entering it for many times but only find myslef getting the same answer from the Internet Explorer. I went online again at 7pm and wanted to try again. This time, Su Wern is the one who talked to me about PLKN. She was selected and I know that she was shocked and sad at the same time.
The next day, everyone in school has started to talk about the National Service Program. The most common question that a Form 5 student will ask his/her friend on that day is none other than "You kena?". Still remember Yoga came into my class before the bell rand and asked me that question. Than, alot of people asked me that same question again. My answer to them is I dont know as I have not confirmed about it yet. During the last period, students who brought handphones to school start checking whether they were selected or not. My classmates did the same thing although my teacher at that time is Pn. Azilah. Until now I still can clearly remmeber how Wei Shen screamed. He did not screamed because he did not get it, instead, he screamed because he was selected.
Before going back home, Mr Jacob asked me the same question again. After I have my lunch, I went to the PLKN website to check if I am selected or not. Sadly, the IC number checking list are still not out yet. So I tried using the SMS way. I sent the massage at around 3pm. Waiting impatiently and nervously for the reply. I really do not want to be selected as if I am selected, the whole year 2009 will be wasted. The reply came at around 20 minutes after the massage is sent, guess it was because too many people was trying to check their status. the reply that I got is as follows...
Maaf!! No.KP91xxxxxxxxxx tiada dalam senarai dipilih untuk PLKN siri6/2009. Jika berminat sila....
I just can't believe my eyes. I checked whether I typed the wrong IC number or not after that just to make sure that I being happy for the correct thing. After that, I went to my account tuition, everyone was talking about PLKN the whole lesson. Pn Pan has even stop teaching at around 5.20pm (the class is suppose to end at 5.45pm) as she knew that we will not be paying attention on what she was trying to teach. Everyone was busy checking their status and their friends' one as well. Mark checked again for me and the reply was the same one. Still remember one of the student's handphone which was used to check has sent back the same reply for 6 different IC number. All those who checked through that handphone were selected. What a coincidence!! I am still not that happy that time as the full list was still not out yet. That night, I went for my English tuition, 3 out of 7 of the students there were selected.
The next day, almost everyone in my class has already know whether they are selected or not. 17 out of 39 of my classmates were selected. Last Friday, the list was finally on the internet. I went and did a confirmation test. The results was negative. I will do more confirmation test to make sure that I am really not selected before being too happy.
There are two questions that I would want to ask you who are reading my blog.
1) Why do they use 'Tahniah' for those who are selected and 'Maaf' for those who are not and not the other way as most of the student do not want to be selected??
2) On last Tuesday itself, how much did students all over Malaysia spent on checking their status??
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Random
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Am I Suppose To Be Happy Or Sad ??
Before I start my post today, I would like to
Mengumumkan ketibaan pingat perak Sukan Olimpik Beijing 2008 ke Malaysia!!
Ok, let's start the post today. Actually since last Friday, after Lee Chong Wei beat Lee Hynn Il of Korea in the semi-final, I have been thinking about tonight's match. I have been thinking about the chances of Malaysia winning her first ever gold medal in the Olympics since her birthday 51 years ago. i know that the chance is not really high as the Lin Dan has won over Lee Chong Wei more times and furthermore, I didn't forget that Lin is the world's No.1. However, I am still expecting something like in the recent Thomas Cup happens.
This is the first ever match that I have watched completely in this Beijing Olympic Games. I have been waiting in front of the TV since 8pm although I know the match will only began at 8.45pm. While waiting, I have watched the mixed double final. The medal presenting ceremony makes me start to imagine the moment when Negaraku will be sang. I told myself not be put such high hope but i just can't control myself.
Lin Dan walked into the court followed by Chong Wei. The whole stadium was filled with Lin Dan's supporter. The audience are majority Chinese. Still remember te way they have shouted for Lin Dan. At that point of time, I recalled the semi-final match last Friday between the two Lees. In that match, everyone is shouting for Chong Wei. What a big difference!! Anyway, i still can hear the Malaysia Boleh!! and the 李宗伟, 加油!! shout. But those motivative shout were much softer than those for Lin Dan. Myabe because there are not much Malaysian in the stadium and they are not sitting together.
The match started and Lin Dan scored the first point. The second point was scored after that. Only after a while that the Malaysia only hope for a Olympic gold medal this time broke the egg. The first game is not one that is pleasent to recall. It ended with a shocking 21-12 score, LIn Dan won. After that, actually I know, The hope for Malaysia to win her first Olympic gold medal is really really slim now. But I am still hoping for something to happen.
If the first match is said to be unpleasent to recall, the second match can be described as disaster. Until now, I still cannot forget the moment when the score is 8-0 favouring the world No.1. After that, Lee scored his first point. Still can remember the momemnt he is shaking his head. It is obvious that he was so under pressure that he cannot play his best tonight. The match ended with the score 21-8. Lin Dan won and the hope for a gold medal fopr Lee has gone.
His disspointment and unhappiness was clearly shown during the medal presentation ceremony. His smile is obviouly not from his heart and the reason is clear. In the press conference after the match, Cloe, the reporter from Astro interviewed him and according to her, Lee almost cried. He has missed the chance to sing Negaraku in Beijing, to let the national flag to be the highest among the three flags flown and the pride to be the first Malaysian to win an Olympic gold medal.
To Lee Chong Wei, I know it is not your will for this to happen. I know you want that gold medal as well. You have done what you can tonight. If you have done your best, you have actually won. Please do not be too sad. Malaysia still needs you. 加油!!
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hari Kokurikulum + Hari Kemerdekaan
Going to school today is not to go in to class and attend lessons, but to participate in the Hari Kokurikulum and Hari Kemerdekaan. It is an annual event for my school. And this year, I am selected to represent RELA Cadets in the marching performance. It was something exciting for me as only 5 are selected to represent each uniform unit. Besides me, the other four persons are Mark, Wei Shen, Yvonne and Jonathan. To make sure that we can perform well today, we have been practising since last Wednesday. Besides Rela Cadets, the other clubs that took part include Scouts, KRS, PKBM, Pandu Puteri, Leo, Interact and so on.
The climax of the whole performance is by the school prefects. They brought in the Jalur Gemilang and the flag of all the states and federal territories in Malaysia. Still remember during rehearsal, they always left out one or two states. Luckily today that does not happened. It must be because they have enough people to carry the 16 flags. A lot of the students clapped for them. They must be very happy at that point of time as what they have done has won the hearts of many. Overall, I think the whole performance is good.
'Tanggal 31, bulan lapan, lima puluh tujuh, merdeka ......,' this is one of the patriotic song that we have sung today. Everyone was singing from their hearts. Besides that song, another two songs were also sung. One of them talks about unity as the key of success. I think that it is something very true. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh. If Malaysia wants to achieve success and play an important role in the international arena, unity between all the races in Malaysia is a must. No one should say that they are a Malay, Chinese or Indian anymore but we should call ourself Malaysian. Remember, all of us are in a big family called Malaysia!
Ok, back to the topic. After all that, we went for a short break. After the break, the other performances took place. those performances include a sketch. Until now, I still do not really understand what it is about. Maybe because I am not paying attention watching it. haha. Anyway, the part that I think is the most interesting is when five persons representing the five prime ministers of Malaysia appeared on the stage. Besides that, they are also performances from the Taekwando Club, the first runner up of Malam Seribu Bintang and so on.
Besides all the performances, the presentation of certificates of appreaciation was aldo on today's agenda. All the prefects got their certificates. In the same time, the AJKs of all the clubs and societies are also given their certificates. I went up to satge to recieve the certs of Ping Pong Club. I let Soo yee to represent SPBT club as I do not want to create problems to the teachers who are arranging the certificates receipiants. After I took the cets for my club, I went back to my place and join Yih Yew, Su Wern and the gang. It was until I realised that no one is representing 5 Sigam is receiving the certs that I walked out and get myself prepared. Luckily, I am on time. If I am late even for just 30 seconds, someone else will be up on stage. I went up for the second time and the same person is giving the certs to me. wonder what she twill think about me. lol
The whole event ended at around 12.10pm. Went for Leo General Meeting after that. Improvements are seen in the way the new BODs is conducting the meeting. Hope that they can do better as there is still rooms for improvement.
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: School
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Me As A Leo (Part 1)
Remember in year 2006, I have decided to join Leo CLub. It was a decision made after I am persuaded by Cheng Lu. Thanks a lot Cheng Lu. I have never regretted joining this club. I am installed in that year as well. However, in year 2006, I cannot consider myself as an active member. I have only attended the general meetings. Besides that, I do not remember I have participated in any of the projects.
In the second year, I started to become more active. I have started to participate in some of the projects. I still remember helping out in the sales during Chinese New Year. It is actually the first time I am asking people to buy things from me. What an experience!! I might have participated in other projects but I just cannot recall it now. If anyone of you remember that I have participated in any of the projects, please tell me, i don't want to lost any part of the memory of me as a Leo.
The turning point for me in Leo Club will be at the time when I am not nominated as one of the BODs for the fiscal year 2007/2008. I went to fight for the post of Membership Director after that. That fight was between me, YUk Tsi and Muiz. Muiz won in that election and what it means is that I no longer have the chance to be one of the BODs for that fiscal year.
Although I no longer have the chance to become one of the BODs for the year 2007/2008, I still attend meetings and participate in projects. Helping out in the Teacher's Day project is fun. That project is organised by Jia Xin. A bottle of glue is chosen to be the gift for teachers that year. Besides that, I still remember attending the La Salle PJ's IU Day in Summit USJ with Cheng Lu, Su Wern, Jia Xin, Nicholas and if I am not mistaken Yi Wen. That was the first IU Day that i have ever attended.
To be continued...
Something happened during the eve of Hari Kokurikulum and Hari kemerdekaan celebration last year. Do you still remember??
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Leo
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I Am Sorry For What I Have Done
Today when I am about to leave school, I went to the staff room to pass something to my teacher. It is at that time that I have received a news which I do not hope to receive. My form teacher told me that I have made mistakes in marking the attendance of the students of my class. If you all do not know, I am the assistant monitor of my class and I am in charge of marking the attendance everyday. She told me that I have marked present student absent and absent student present. I noticed how dissapointed was she to me. I know that everyone in my class has confident in me doing my job. But... this is what i have given you all. I am disappointed with myself. I need to find solution fast for this problem. I am sorry to those who have problems with the attendance record. Sorry for bringing trouble to all of you. It is my fault. If you have any suggestion on how I can improve the way I take attendance everyday, please tell me. I really don not want to repeat the same mistake again.
I promise i will change and do not repeat the same mistake. Give me a chance to show how I can change.
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My Addtional Mathematics Is Admitted To ICU
First of all, i must say that I am not trying to be kiasu here. I am just trying to tell the truth, it is up to you whether to believe it or not.
I have noticed that my Addtional Mathematics level is kind of dropping already after my mid-year exam. To make thing worse, I am not really paying full atttention to what teacher teach in school. In the last few days when teacher is trying to finish the syllabus, I am not paying attention at all. I was more interested in doing something else. In the same time, I did not finish up my homework. All these have bring my Addtional Mathematics a step closer to the door of ICU.
I have not realise the seriousness of this problem until I am doing the questions which teacher gave today. I have absolutely no idea on what the quetion is about and on how am I going to tackle the questions. Actually this problem started few days ago when teacher is doing revision with the class. I do not know whether the situation will worsen or not but I just do not hope for it.
If anyone of you got any way to help to to change this situation, tell me. I am seriously in trouble and need help.
Will thing change?? We shall see.
To the one who is sick(you know who you are), please take care of yourself. Make sure that you have enough rest and water. Relax and get enough sleep until you have fully recovered. Don't add anymore stress to yourself, it will never bring benefits to you. Get well soon!!
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: School
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mixed Feelings For Malaysia Olympians
When I was reading the news about the great performance of our archry team in Beijing two days ago, what I was thinking was that 'hei, we have a chance in getting at least a medal'. The comment given by a reporter of a local newspaper today even said that from 6pm onwards, Malaysia will be seen listed in the Beijing Olympic medal tally. After reading the comment, I am even more convinced that our achery team will be able to do it. In fact, they have finished third in the ranking round. So, it is not something impossible for them to achieve.
However, at around 5.45pm, when I am watching a news, I received a news that we have lost to the Italy team by merely 5 points. We did not even make it into the semi-final. What a waste!! It is kind of disappointed but as long as they have done their best, I think it is okay.
After the shocking defeat by the Italy team, I was suprised once more by the performance of another Malaysian tonight. He is none other than Wong Chong Hann. Actually I must said that he has done a good job tonight. Although it is still not to the stage of winning a medal yet, he has achieved something great tonight. He has defeated the defending champion, Taufik Hidayat from Indonesia in two straight games.
I remembered seeing his happy face when he scored his game point, he was happy, or if i could use the phrase 'extremely happy'. It is really something which Malaysian can be happy of. Not forgetting also, our shuttler couple, Lee Chong Wei and Wong Mew Choo. both of them are now in the next round. Mew Choo has made it into quater-final if I am not mistaken. Good luck for all the Malaysian athletes who are in Beijing, continue to bring us suprising happy news. All the best.
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Olympic
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Region 4 Leo Joint Installation 08/09
I know I am a bit late updating about this event. It has taken place yesterday. However, my post yesterday was used to talk about the Olympic Opening Ceremony and I don't want my post to be too long until people lose interest in reading it. Ok, let the story begins.
I was not the earliest to reach Sri Sedaya School (the venue) but luckily I was not the latest(I thought i would be). Before entering the hall, I have had a short chat with the SU's Leos. The whole event started at about 2.20pm. The first performance was the lion dance to welcome the Lions. Then, the installation and induction of the new members and BODs as well as the key officers took place. There are performances between all these events. Overall, the whole event is good. The theme 'Zealous' is a meaningful one. I did not wait till the end of the whole event as i will need to attend something else after that.
It was finally the official retirement of the key officers as well the BODs for the fiscal year 07/08. Cheng Lu, i really kesian you as Kuan Yan left your present in the library. Darren, Shun Thai and Su Wern got presents from their juniors. I am sure that Su Wern was very happy to recieve the pendrive as it is something she has hoped for for a long time.
On that same day as well, I have passed down my post to my junior and his assistant, Vigneswar and David Kok. Hope that you two will be able to perform well and carry out your responsibility to the best of your ability. Vigneswar, remember my challenge for you!! haha. I have passed down the name tags of the past Community Service Directors to Vigneswar, it has been a tradition for us to pass down our name tags to our juniors.
Anyway, I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank those who have given me the chance to be one of the BODs of Leo Club of SMK Subang Utama and those who have helped me a lot when I am holding the post. Special thanks to Darren, Cheng Lu, Su Wern, Shun Thai, all the BODs, Pn. Kalwant as well as those who have attended or helped out in my projects.
All the best for the key officers and BODs of fiscal year 08/09. Do your best and bring the club to a new height.
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Leo
The Wonderful Opening Ceremony
080808, the Beijing Olympic Games has officially started with the '开幕' shout by Hu. The whole ceremony lasts for about 4 hours. The performance in the first one and a half hour or so is about the 5000 years old history of the China. Elements from the making of paper to the worldwide known tai chi have made the opening ceremony a worth watching show. The creative of the Beijing Olympic Committee was clearly shown through all the performances. The computer effects is said to be the catalyst to create suprises among the audience both in the Bird Nest stadium as well as in front of the television worldwide.
The Opening Ceremony is continued by the marching in of the contingen of all the participating countries. This last for about two hours.Malaysia is one of the contingen in among the first 20 to appear. The biggest contingen among all will either be the USA team or the China team. I am not sure about that. What I know is that China has a total of 639 athletes taking part in the Olympic 2008. I must salute those girls who are appointed to surround the athletes who has already marched into the stadium. They were dancing non stop for two hours. Same goes to those who are playing the background music at that time. Imagine when most of us are complaining at home that it was too boring, they are playing those musical instruments non stop. Wow!! really salute them. Anyway, i would also want to use this oppurtunity to wish the Malaysian athletes good luck. Remember to bring suprise to all the Malaysian!! Malaysia Boleh !!
The climax of the whole opening ceremony will be at the stage when the Olympic flame was lighted by the former gymnast of the organising country, Li Ning. He was suspended in the air for almost 3 minutes and has rounded the Bird Nest stadium. Again, the computer effect has added value to this wonderful performance. According to an interview with him after the whole ceremony, he said that the falme almost gone off when he is on his way to the top of the stadium. Luckily, everything goes on well. The whole ceremony ended at around 12.00am.
Credits are also given for the organising committee for the wonderful fireworks performance and the wise selection on the theme song.
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Olympic
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Maiden Post
08080808, my blog has officially launched. Be the first reader of my blog !!
Posted by tchengwong080808 at 8:02 PM 4 comments
Labels: Random