Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Am Sorry For What I Have Done

Today when I am about to leave school, I went to the staff room to pass something to my teacher. It is at that time that I have received a news which I do not hope to receive. My form teacher told me that I have made mistakes in marking the attendance of the students of my class. If you all do not know, I am the assistant monitor of my class and I am in charge of marking the attendance everyday. She told me that I have marked present student absent and absent student present. I noticed how dissapointed was she to me. I know that everyone in my class has confident in me doing my job. But... this is what i have given you all. I am disappointed with myself. I need to find solution fast for this problem. I am sorry to those who have problems with the attendance record. Sorry for bringing trouble to all of you. It is my fault. If you have any suggestion on how I can improve the way I take attendance everyday, please tell me. I really don not want to repeat the same mistake again.

I promise i will change and do not repeat the same mistake. Give me a chance to show how I can change.